Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Pole Dancing

This was a one-off tester course, aiming to introduce pole dancing or "pole" to absolute beginners. Run by a lovely lady called Nicky, it lasts an hour and costs £15.

The dress code is top, shorts and, in order to achieve the perfect strut, a sexy pair of heels. Unfortunately, combine this outfit with an amateur ability on the pole and floor-to-ceiling mirrors, the heels are the only sexy thing about it!

After a brief warm-up, you start off with an epic strut around the room, working the hips and heels to their best. Then it's time to take up The Pole. It's a bit nervy at first, but after a while everyone relaxes into it and just starts to enjoy themselves! On learning how to "ripple", we all find it surprisingly difficult not to end up just thrusting the pole in a ridiculous manner - stick that bum out to get a good curve!

Of course, it's all about the spins with pole. We did three spins in this class: -

1. "Fireman" climbing spin
2. Falling spin
3. Crossed ankle falling spin (I would call this one the Ankle Killer...)

These moves are painfully funny when you're practising them, but so much fun when you get them right! The feeling of spinning round the pole helps you forget that you're carrying your entire body weight in your arms...

This class is about showing you some moves and the possibilities of pole. If you go on to take one of PDS's courses, you learn moves as part of a routine, gradually increasing the complexity of and flexibility required for the moves. You can take a course from Levels 1 to 10, learning how to climb the pole and go upside down, right up to the exotic moves of the pros! However, given the amount of bruising and muscle pain today, I think I'll save Level 1 for another week :S

This is for you if...

You like a good giggle and own a pair of heels. You don't have to have rhythm or style, just a bit of Attitude!


I would recommend going along with a friend - the rest of the class were really up for it, but having someone else to laugh at is always good.

Heels can be any height or type, but do the warm-up in bare feet. No one likes jogging in heels, oooooh no.

And finally, if you bruise like a peach, expect to be black and blue next day!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Doing Something New

A telling moment: By chance, you meet an old friend. Conversation can be awkward to begin with, but you've not seen them in a while, so there should be plenty to talk about, right...? Mild pleasantries about work, home and friends out of the way, however, and you start to wonder: -

"What have I done since we last met? What is new with me?!"

It was a moment such as this which was the instigation for me to start my personal Do Something New adventure.

My concept: to do something new! Find something (anything!) you've not done before or for a long while, find a class and get involved. They might be sports, arts projects, places - anything I have the desire to do but have not yet had the chance to experience!

My location: with its myriad activities, classes & courses, London is the perfect setting for this venture.

My plan: a few times a month, to sign myself up for some new adventures!

My starting point: pole dancing.

What? Pole Dancing
Where? Barbican
Who? Pole Dancing School
When? Tues 28th June
Why? Why not!