Sunday, 5 August 2012

Roller Disco

Having lived in Pimlico for 18 months and moving out in a week, I felt it would be rude to live so close to Vauxhall Roller Disco ( and not try it at least once. We built up for it by instigating a neon theme, putting on luminous pink make-up and spraying on lots of body glitter.

Tickets for the roller disco were £12.50, whether bought online or on the door. The price includes entry, skate hire, and as much safety equipment as you like (we just went for wristguards). We turned up there about 11pm and, to be honest, unless you're some kind of super-skater, this gives ample skating time. The place was busy enough that it had a good atmosphere, but spacious enough that you weren't crashing into someone every second step!

The venue itself has two floors - one plays cheesy pop and is on the entry level; make your way up a few steps (who puts stairs in a rollerskating venue?!) to the second, larger floor playing more modern stuff, but also skating at a faster pace. It was incredibly warm inside and I would criticise the venue for only having one bar serving tap water - especially when to get there, you either have to navigate through or circumnavigate a whole bunch of rollerskaters. I can't comment on the price of the drinks - after a few wines at home then adding wheels to my feet, I felt it was better to try and keep my wits about me...

I have no great ability at either ice-skating or roller-blading, or in fact anything that involves moving along on anything other than a normal foot-set-up. The venue has Marshalls on the floors, who can help pick you up when you fall but will also assist in showing you how to work the skates. I relied on a cumbersome style of pushing off the brake and then trying not to let me legs do the splits - which seemed to work - no falls and no bruises! Perhaps I was relying on leg strength a little too much, however, as after a couple of hours of skating, my legs were Aching Like Nobody's Business. Or perhaps I'm just getting old.

We stayed for a couple of hours till around 1am, then un-skated and headed for home. I think I would return to the roller disco, although not straightaway. It was difficult to actually dance in the skates, and I would've felt a failure if I'd abandonned them any sooner, just to enjoy a bit of a groove.

This is for you if...

If you enjoy a night out that doesn't rely on alcohol or sexy dance moves. There is no other type of club in the world where simply walking round and round in a large circle is an acceptable dance style!


This is definitely a dress-up venue. You don't have to be quite so luminous as we were, but people were expressing their creative side with their outfits. I would recommend cracking out the knee-high socks and leg-warmers!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the leg-warmers were - at least in part - responsible for the heat problem you were having! Sounds brilliant though, since my signature dancemove is the 'circle runner'.
