Monday, 15 October 2012

I didn't do the pre-reading...

What: Learning about American politics
Where: Highbury, in someone's house...
Who: Benjamin Shepherd, Esq.
When: Saturday, 20th October 2012
With: Anyone who's interested!
Why: My knowledge of American politics is generally limited to trivia (Grover Cleveland is the only president to have served non-consecutive terms; four assassinated, four otherwise died in office...) I can't help but feel that a more in-depth knowledge would be beneficial for my understanding of how events in the US might actually affect us this side of the pond.


  1. Is there going to be a powerpoint?! :)

  2. All welcome - pre-reading to follow. And yes, there will be powerpoint.

  3. I'm there!! It's gonna be just like a real life lecture. Anyone for pencil golf?

  4. I will try very hard not to nap at the back... Where's the stuff then, b4n001, eh?
